Rajput Community Attributes Voting Decline Across 12 Rajasthan Seats to Dissatisfaction, Announces Complete Boycott of BJP in Phase-2

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: The Kshatriya Samaj cited incidents such as the controversy involving Purushottam Rupala, BJP's alleged mistreatment of a Rajput woman in Chittorgarh, and statements made by Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat as contributing to this sentiment.
The BJP is facing significant backlash in several states due to offensive remarks made by Rajkot candidate and minister Parshottam Rupala.
The BJP is facing significant backlash in several states due to offensive remarks made by Rajkot candidate and minister Parshottam Rupala.Image Courtesy- Gujarat Samachar

Udaipur- The Rajput community has attributed the decline in voting percentage across 12 seats in Rajasthan to their dissatisfaction. Historically, the Rajput and Kshatriya community have been staunch supporters of the BJP, with around 95 percent of their votes traditionally going to the party.

However, recent incidents, including Union Minister Parshottam Rupala's comments in Gujarat, as well as derogatory remarks from BJP leaders, particularly the criticism aimed at Ravindra Singh Bhati, a candidate in Barmer, by the party's social media cell, labeling him a traitor, have deeply offended them. These events have further exacerbated the discontent within the community and reinforced their decision to boycott the BJP in the remaining seats.

In response, senior members of the Rajput community and various organizations convened in a state-level meeting and collectively decided to stage a complete boycott of the BJP in the upcoming second phase of polling for the Lok Sabha elections on April 26.

Speaking at a press conference held in a private hotel in Udaipur, representatives from organizations such as Shri Rajput Karni Sena, Shri Karni Sena, Samanta Manch, Kshatriya Yuva Mahasabha, Kshatriya Social Organization, among others, reiterated their stance.

These organizations alleged that the central leadership of the BJP has been actively engaged in the humiliation of the Rajput community. Given this ongoing disrespect, the Rajput community finds it untenable to continue supporting the BJP.

The leaders emphasized that Rajputs hold their pride and self-respect in high regard, to the extent that they have historically sacrificed their lives for these values. Therefore, under these circumstances, they cannot in good conscience align themselves with the BJP, as doing so would compromise their dignity and self-respect.

The BJP is facing significant backlash in several states due to offensive remarks made by Rajkot candidate and minister Parshottam Rupala.
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Digvijay Singh Chundawat, convenor Samanta Manch, said , " The Udaipur seat holds significant importance in the electoral calculus, with the Rajput community comprising 15-17 percent of the electorate. Similarly, in the Rajsamand Lok Sabha seat, Rajputs make up a substantial portion, accounting for 65 percent of the voters. Even in the Banswara-Dungarpur seat, the Rajput community holds sway, constituting up to 10 percent of the electorate."

Given the sizeable Rajput population in these key constituencies, their stance on the ongoing boycott and anti-BJP campaigning could indeed sway the electoral outcome. The impact of their decision may be felt keenly on April 26th. However, the full extent of its repercussions will only become apparent once the election results are revealed.

The community leaders asserted that the Rajput community's dissatisfaction was a key factor behind the decline in voting percentage across 12 seats during the first phase of the Lok Sabha elections.

They cited incidents such as the controversy involving Parshottam Rupala, BJP's alleged mistreatment of a Rajput woman in Chittorgarh, and statements made by Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat as contributing to this sentiment.

Consequently, the Rajput community either refrained from voting altogether or, if they did vote, did so as a form of protest. This dissatisfaction, they claimed, led to a significant 19 percent decrease in voting during the initial phase of the state's elections.

Udaipur District President of Shri Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena Jeevan Singh Senpura emphasized that the BJP appeared oblivious to this decline in voting percentage.

Senior figures in society highlighted the widespread anger sparked by Rupala's remarks in Gujarat, resulting in mass protests. They emphasized that the Kshatriya community had made a single demand of the BJP leadership: that Parshottam Rupala not be awarded a ticket due to his divisive and discriminatory mindset. However, despite this plea, the BJP chose to grant him both a ticket and recognition. In response, the Kshatriya community vowed to deliver a resounding message to the BJP in the upcoming elections.

The BJP is facing significant backlash in several states due to offensive remarks made by Rajkot candidate and minister Parshottam Rupala.
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Rupala's Controversial Remarks at Valmiki Samaj Event:

At a Valmiki Samaj event on March 22, the Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal husbandry and Dairying, Parshottam Rupala stirred controversy by making disparaging comments.

He asserted that while the British subjected all Indians to oppression and torture, members of princely states acquiesced to them, even forming alliances and marrying their daughters to the imperialists. Furthermore, he proceeded to exalt the Dalit community, including the Valmikis, for their steadfastness in not succumbing to such pressures. "Dalits endured the harshest persecution, yet they remained resilient," remarked Rupala, the BJP candidate from Rajkot.

BJP's Caste Strategy:

Despite continued resistance from Kshatriyas in Gujarat, the BJP has implemented a novel approach. During campaign events, they're strategically assigning Kshatriya police officers to duty.

By ensuring senior police officers belong to the Kshatriya community, the party hopes to better manage protests within the Kshatriya community.

Despite facing significant backlash, particularly in areas like Bhavnagar and Idar, the BJP remains undeterred. With Kshatriya officers on the ground, the party believes it has all bases covered to effectively handle any dissenting voices within the protesting crowd.

The BJP is facing significant backlash in several states due to offensive remarks made by Rajkot candidate and minister Parshottam Rupala.
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The BJP is facing significant backlash in several states due to offensive remarks made by Rajkot candidate and minister Parshottam Rupala.
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