Koo's Latest Surprise: Popup of Baba Saheb Emoji on Liking a Post!

Koo Launches Special Emoji Feature to Celebrate Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti and Dalit History Month
Koo's Latest Surprise: Popup of Baba Saheb Emoji on Liking a Post!

New Delhi— As India prepares to celebrate the birthday of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, Koo India, the Indian micro-blogging app, has launched a new project. The company has introduced a special feature where a popup with an emoji of Bhimrao Ambedkar will be displayed when users like any post on the app. This feature has been launched to commemorate Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti and Dalit History Month. Koo India has launched this feature to make Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar's birthday memorable for Ambedkarites and Dalits.

A senior official from Koo India confirmed this project to The Mooknayak. This feature was made live on the Koo app on April 13th, a day before Ambedkar Jayanti. Users can check out this special feature on their Koo app.

Earlier, in the last year 2022, Twitter also displayed the emoji of Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar along with #DalitHistoryMonth and #JaiBhim hashtags in the month of Dalit History Month, April. However, this time no such feature has appeared from Twitter. Behind this, the policies of the new owner of Twitter, Alan Mask, and the removal of former employees from the company are believed to be the reason.

About Dalit History Month

Dalit History Month is celebrated in India in April to honor the works and struggles of Bhimrao Ambedkar. Celebrating Ambedkar Jayanti on April 14th, people observe the entire month of April to showcase Ambedkarite ideology and the contribution of the Dalit community to Indian society. Various events such as discussions, education, cultural programs, film screenings, and writing are organized during this month.

Sanghapali Aruna, a human rights activist and the Executive Director of Project Mukti, is credited with organizing the first Dalit History Month in 2013. Aruna is known for her work on Dalit women's rights and took part in the Dalit Women's Self-Respect Yatra in 2014 to raise awareness about caste-based violence. In 2015, she was part of the Dalit Women Fight Back campaign and played an active role in raising awareness about the tragic death of Rohith Vemula, a Dalit student at Hyderabad University.

Story Translated By Geetha Sunil Pillai
Koo's Latest Surprise: Popup of Baba Saheb Emoji on Liking a Post!
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