[Dalit history month] Dr. Ambedkar & The Resilient Indian Constitution :Upholding Democracy Since 1950

In the ongoing Dalit history month, let's recall Babasaheb’s exemplary work in framing the Indian Constitution.
Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was one of the illustrious sons of India, who struggled to restructure the Indian society on the most egalitarian and humanitarian principles. The need for and applicability of the Western model of democracy to India were both realized by him as the first Indian political theorist.

He was a multifaceted individual with many talents, including those of a world-renowned economist, Indian jurist, advanced thinker, philosopher, anthropologist, historian, orator, prolific writer, and constitutionalist.

He truly was a warrior for the oppressed and a savior for the outcasts. He devoted his entire life to advancing the causes of Dalits, Untouchables, and other marginalized groups in society as well as inclusive democracy more broadly.

Dr. Ambedkar was a revolutionary who campaigned against societal ills like untouchability and caste restrictions in addition to being a brilliant scholar and distinguished jurist. He fought social prejudice throughout his life while defending the rights of Dalits and other socially underprivileged groups.

In actuality, he was an economist, and his numerous academic writings and speeches reflect his in-depth knowledge of the issues facing Indian society.

In the ongoing Dalit history month, let's recall Babasaheb’s exemplary work in framing the Indian Constitution.

He was chosen to be India's first Minister of Law. He is still regarded as the Indian Constitution's founding father. His involvement in the Federal Structure Committee of the Second Round Table Conference, which was closely related to the formulation of India's new Constitution, was greatly valued.

Babasaheb was chosen to the Federal Structure Committee by the British rather than the Indian National Congress because of his patriotic attitude and bold advocacy for the average person and democracy.

Making a distinction between the state and society, the state and the government, and the state and the nation was not sufficient for him; instead, he went back to the foundations of these institutions to highlight the crucial component that makes up these institutions.

The distinction between the state and society, for example, was only suggested by even well-known Western authors like Harold Laski and Melver. The social and economic standing of the many classes of people that make up society and the state were only briefly mentioned.

Dr. Ambedkar
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The work of creating the Indian constitution was by no means simple. It demanded the highest levels of statecraft, statesmanship, scholarship, and intellectual prowess, as well as a wealth of knowledge about the history of the world in the context at hand, as well as the operation of constitutions under democratic, totalitarian, dictatorial, and other types of government.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is widely regarded as the principal architect of the Indian Constitution due to his crucial contribution to the document's drafting. He is referred to as the "Messiah" of the Dalits and oppressed in India because of his amazing efforts to address societal ills.

The Times of London wrote that Dr. Ambedkar held a prominent place in India's social and political life throughout the latter years of the British Empire. His will and courage could be seen on his face, and even though he had the greatest intelligence known to man, he did not show it off. He was never the flashy type.

On August 29, 1947, Dr. Ambedkar was chosen as the chairman of the Drafting Committee that the Constituent Assembly had established to create Constitution for independent India due to the depth of his knowledge and study.

Dr. Ambedkar
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The Constituent Assembly's outstanding leaders and legal experts, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajendra Prasad, B.R. Ambedkar, Sardar Patel, B.N. Rao, Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar, and others, worked together to create the drafting Constitution.

"I feel the Constitution is workable; it is flexible and is strong enough to hold the country together both in peacetime and in time of war," Ambedkar stated after finishing his work. Since January 26, 1950, known as Republic Day, it has been in force.

Dr. Ambedkar received an honoris causa LL.D. degree from Columbia University on June 5, 1952, in appreciation of his work on the Indian Constitution. It was written as follows:

The degree is being given to him in appreciation for the work he did in relation to the constitution-writing process in India. He was praised by the university for being "one of India's leading citizens, an outstanding social reformer, and a brave upholder of human rights."

The Constitution, in Ambedkar's opinion, was more than just the fundamental rule of law governing the nation; it was also a vehicle for the advancement of the country, reflecting the best aspects of its earlier traditions while being resilient enough to meet present-day demands and those of the future. He also believed that it had to be a living organ that would last for many generations, not just one or two.

Ambedkar left the Constitution's provisions open-ended so that changes could be made as and when the need arose. He wrote the Constitution's moving Preamble, which guaranteed liberty, equality, and fraternity as well as social, economic, and political justice.

Nevertheless, the establishment of an egalitarian social structure is still merely a pipe dream. The Indian Constitution was significantly influenced by Dr. Ambedkar's contributions. He drafted the Constitution utilizing all of his skills and education.

As a result of giving the people of India more power, he granted them a legal framework known as Ganarajaya. His contribution was large, substantial, and outstanding in this regard.

The development of a free India has benefited from Dr. Ambedkar's efforts to ensure social, economic, and political fairness for all. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru acknowledged Dr. Ambedkar's extraordinary contribution to the Constitution's formulation by saying, "Dr. Ambedkar had played a most essential role in the framing of India's Constitution. No one took more time and effort to create the Constitution than Dr. Ambedkar.”

He left his mark on the history of the free Indian people, leaving a singular and unsurpassable pride in position and honor. As long as the Indian Constitution exists, Babasaheb Ambedkar's name will live on in awe. Every oppressed person will always remember him in their hearts. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, thanked Dr. Ambedkar for his contributions to the creation of the Indian Constitution.

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar contributed in enormous ways to the making of the constitution be it the fundamental rights, socio-economic justice for people, parliamentary democracy, or protective reservation for the people.

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