WHO Report Finds No Link Between Mobile Phones and Brain Cancer

Study of 63 studies finds no association between mobile phone use and increased risk of brain cancer
WHO Report Finds No Link Between Mobile Phones and Brain Cancer
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New Delhi- A recent review commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) has found no link between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain cancer. Despite the widespread use of mobile phones and other wireless technologies, the review, which analyzed 63 studies from 1994 to 2022, found no rise in brain cancer cases among users, even those with long-term or heavy usage.

The review, conducted by 11 experts from 10 countries, including Australia's radiation protection authority, examined various types of cancers, such as brain cancer, pituitary gland cancer, salivary gland cancer, and leukemia. They found no increased risk associated with mobile phone use, base stations, or transmitters.

While the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) currently classifies mobile phone radiation as "possibly carcinogenic" (Class 2B), due to a lack of definitive evidence, this new data suggests a need to reconsider this classification. The WHO plans to release an updated evaluation in early next year.

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