UPSC's Lateral Entry Recruitment Process Facing Backlash from Marginalised Communities, Read Full Story

They argue that the absence of reservation in these appointments not only violates the law but also sends a damaging message that the representation of marginalized communities is not a priority for the current administration.
UPSC's Lateral Entry Recruitment Process Facing Backlash from Marginalised Communities, Read Full Story
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New Delhi- The recent advertisement by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for filling 45 high-level positions through lateral entry has sparked widespread condemnation from Dalit, OBC, and Bahujan organizations across the country.

The positions, which include Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Director roles, are being filled directly without adhering to the reservation policy mandated by the Indian Constitution. This move has been strongly opposed by several organisations like National Confederation of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR), All India OBC Students Association (AIOBCSA) etc who have called it a blatant violation of constitutional rights.

Ashok Bharti, Chairman of NACDOR, criticised Dalit leaders for getting caught up in conflicts with each other instead of focusing on more important issues. In a social media post, Bharti said that while these leaders are busy blaming and undermining each other, they should instead unite to protect the reservation system, which is crucial for their community's rights.

Violation of Constitutional Mandates

The crux of the controversy lies in the exclusion of reservation provisions in this lateral entry recruitment process. If these 45 positions were to be filled through the regular UPSC Civil Services Examination, the Constitution mandates reservations for candidates from Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Backward Classes (OBC). Based on existing reservation norms, around 22 to 23 candidates from Dalit, OBC, and Adivasi communities would have been selected for these roles.

The lateral entry process bypasses this reservation system, depriving these marginalized communities of their rightful representation in the higher echelons of administrative service. This, according to AIOBCSA and other concerned groups, undermines the core principles of social justice and equality enshrined in the Constitution.

The advertisement has been met with sharp criticism from various Dalit and Bahujan organizations, which argue that this exclusionary practice threatens to reverse decades of progress made in ensuring fair representation for marginalized communities in government positions. Leaders from these communities have voiced their concerns, stating that such moves erode the trust that these communities have in the government’s commitment to upholding their rights.

Dr. Jitendra Meena, National Spokesperson for Bharat Adivasi Party, criticized the Modi government for bypassing reservations through lateral entry, calling it a "Reservation Scam." He highlighted that in 2021, 31 high-level government positions were filled without including anyone from ST, SC, or OBC categories. He accused the government of dividing marginalized communities by creating internal conflicts while reserving top positions for upper-caste individuals. Dr. Meena urged unity among ST, SC, and OBC groups, warning that their only choices are to unite or align with the BJP's agenda.

AIOBCSA has taken the lead in mobilizing opposition to this decision. In a strongly worded statement, the association emphasized that the lateral entry process, as currently structured, is a direct affront to the constitutional rights of SCs, STs, and OBCs. They argue that the absence of reservation in these appointments not only violates the law but also sends a damaging message that the representation of marginalized communities is not a priority for the current administration.

The AIOBCSA has laid out a series of demands in response to the UPSC's advertisement. These include:

  1. Immediate Inclusion of Reservation Provisions: The association demands that the current lateral entry recruitment process be halted until reservation provisions are incorporated, ensuring that candidates from SC, ST, and OBC communities are fairly represented.

  2. Establishment of a Transparent Mechanism: AIOBCSA calls for the creation of a transparent and accountable mechanism to ensure that future lateral entry appointments adhere to the reservation policy. This would involve setting clear guidelines and oversight to prevent any bypassing of constitutional mandates.

  3. Review of Existing Lateral Entry Recruitment: The association also urges the government to conduct a thorough review of all current lateral entry recruitments to assess their impact on the representation of marginalized communities. They argue that without such a review, the integrity of the reservation system is at risk.

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