Karnataka Lokayukta officials have conducted raids on 60 locations associated with 13 government officials across the state. The operation, which commenced in the early hours of Wednesday, is focused on uncovering any instances of corruption or malpractice.
The search spans across various regions, with 12 locations being targeted in Mysuru, and five each in Bengaluru, Udupi, and Kolar. Additionally, four places each in Karwar, Bidar, Vijayapura, and Mandya are under scrutiny, along with three in Belagavi and two in Kodagu.
The properties of several government officials are being investigated, including Ranganath SP, Chief Engineer at Byatarayanapura & Yelahanka BBMP in Bengaluru; Roopa, Deputy Commissioner of Excise in Udupi; Prakash, Junior Engineer in Karwar; Fayaz Ahmed, Assistant Engineer in Mysuru; and Yathish, Panchayat Development Officer in Ramnagar.
Simultaneously, raids are being conducted on the premises of other officials such as Shivakumar Swamy, Executive Officer in Bidar; Nagarajappa H, Assistant Director in Kolar; Shanmukhappa, Assistant Regional Transport Officer in Bagalkot; Sadashivaiah, Assistant Executive Engineer in Chikkaballapur; Krishne Gowda, Second Division Accounts Assistant in Malavalli; and Sadashiva Jayappa, Secretary In-charge in Belagavi.
A considerable force of about 130 Lokayukta officers, including 13 Superintendents of Police (SP), 13 Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSP), 25 Police Inspectors (PI), and 80 staff members, has been mobilized for this operation. Their aim is to ensure a thorough investigation into any alleged wrongdoing and uphold integrity within the government sector.
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