New Delhi- Over 94 per cent of the telecom network in the flood-hit areas of Tripura has been restored, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) said. This has helped in maintaining crucial communication for rescue teams, government officials, and the general public, said a statement from the DoT.
DoT said that all the telecom service providers (TSPs) in the state, including BSNL, Reliance Jind, Airtel, and Vodafone, have worked together to restore the services.
The state had witnessed severe disruptions to telecom services due to unprecedented heavy rainfall, which led to intense flooding on August 19 to 23.
"The Ministry of Communications in a statement said that this helped in maintaining crucial communication for rescue teams, government officials, and the general public," the DoT statement said.
It further said that DoT and TSPs have taken several measures to support the communities in distress and enhance telecom connectivity to ensure continuous coverage.
"All TSPs promptly implemented the ICR in their network, allowing the customers to avail services of any of the available TSP's network, irrespective of their subscription," it said.
Based on a request from the state disaster management authorities, TSPs have replaced the damaged telecom equipment immediately in the affected area, the DoT statement added.
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