Rajasthan Education Minister's Warning to Bulldoze Properties of Misbehaving Teachers Sparks Controversy

Dilawar expressed dismay at incidents of indecent behavior in schools, citing the suspension of a teacher in Parbatsar, Nagaur, who attended a Republic Day function in an inebriated state.
Education Minister Madan Dilawar has announced his intention not only to suspend and dismiss teachers but also to bulldoze their properties in cases of immodest behaviour with students.
Education Minister Madan Dilawar has announced his intention not only to suspend and dismiss teachers but also to bulldoze their properties in cases of immodest behaviour with students.

Jaipur- In a significant development, Rajasthan's Education Minister, Madan Dilawar, has stirred a debate by announcing stringent measures against teachers found guilty of inappropriate behavior with students. He said such teachers would not only face legal consequences but also their properties would be bulldozed.

While the teachers' associations have appreciated the minister's commitment to fostering a safe and child-friendly environment in schools, particularly for girls, his declaration to bulldoze the property of such erring educators has been met with vehement condemnation.

Critics argue that this threat extends beyond the minister's jurisdiction, branding it as an exaggerated and unwarranted measure. The clash of opinions raises crucial questions about the limits of authority and appropriate punitive actions within the educational landscape.

State President Siyaram Sharma from the Rajasthan Teachers Association remarked that the new education minister's bold proclamation has left many perplexed, but expressed confidence that the situation will normalize with time. Siyaram endorsed the punitive measures of suspension and dismissal against the offending teacher in accordance with established rules.

Conversely, the Rajasthan Teachers Association Ambedkar labeled the statement about potential bulldozer action as anti-constitutional. They called for the Education Minister to offer a clarification on his remarks.

During a recent cycle distribution program at a government school, Minister Dilawar had remarked, "If a Guru behaves like this with a disciple, then why is he a teacher?" He went on to declare his intent to not only suspend and dismiss such teachers but also to bulldoze their properties. The stern warning was directed at teachers who engage in misconduct with their students.

Dilawar emphasized his commitment to taking strict action against officers advocating for misbehaving teachers. He expressed dismay at incidents of indecent behavior in schools, citing the suspension of a teacher in Parbatsar, Nagaur, who attended a Republic Day function in an inebriated state.

Siyaram Sharma of Rajasthan Teachers Association, responded to the Education Minister's statement, asserting that the union would support teachers if they face injustice but emphasized that anyone, regardless of their profession, should be held accountable for wrongful acts. Regarding the bulldozer threat, Sharma questioned the Minister's authority to carry out such actions, highlighting that running bulldozers does not fall within the jurisdiction of the Education Minister.

Mitralok Chand Mohar, State President of the Rajasthan Teachers Association (Ambedkar), echoed concerns about the minister's bulldozer statement. While acknowledging the need for punishment for teachers found guilty of misbehaviour, Mohar emphasized that the Indian Constitution dictates legal procedures and that punitive measures should not extend to personal property. He urged the Education Minister to provide clarification on the controversial bulldozer remark, as it has generated significant consternation within the teacher community.

Education Minister Madan Dilawar has announced his intention not only to suspend and dismiss teachers but also to bulldoze their properties in cases of immodest behaviour with students.
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