Dr. Laxman Yadav's 'Professor ki Diary': A Tribute to Rohith Vemula and a Bestselling Chronicle of Campus Politics and Caste Discrimination

The book currently holds the #88 spot in overall book sales and ranks second in the Indian Writing and Biographies & Autobiographies categories on Amazon.
Cover Page of the Book
Cover Page of the BookAmazon.in

New Delhi- In a world where the act of scribbling one's thoughts and experiences is a common practice, this teacher's routine of journaling seemed unremarkable. Yet, these seemingly ordinary diary entries have now evolved into a powerful narrative—one that has garnered widespread attention and acclaim.

From an expelled professor to now a best-selling author, the life of Dr. Laxman Yadav has been anything but ordinary.

Hailed by many as a beacon of social justice, the professor has recently released a book titled 'Professor ki Diary' (Professor’s Diary), where he talks about his life and time at the central university against the backdrop of the recent political climate.

His life has been explored through a series of diaries, notes, and observations, and the book further delves into significant social and political events.

While fictionalized in some parts, the book remains grounded in the reality of educational institutions and socio-political conditions, offering engaging narrative, dialogue, satire, and analysis—all essential elements of an enjoyable read.

The book, published by Unbound Scripts, enjoys a 4.7-star ranking on Amazon and is available on almost every e-commerce website and nearby bookstalls. According to Alind Maheshwari, the publisher of Unbound Script, this book achieved bestseller status through pre-orders alone and maintained its position at the top for several consecutive days.

Currently, the book ranks #88 in Books and is also listed as the second bestseller in Indian Writing and Biographies & Autobiographies categories on Amazon.

"The life one is living has a number of truths," Professor Laxman Yadav conveyed to The Mooknayak during a telephone conversation. "But not every truth is available to everyone."

Reflecting on his tenure at Delhi University as a professor and the subsequent expulsion, he shared, "During my time, I used to journal my thoughts. But as things started worsening, I realized it was time to bring them to light."

"I wrote this book so that in the future, no one can claim ignorance about the disintegration of Delhi University."

In his book, the professor also emphasizes the significance of education. He believes that education has been instrumental in enabling individuals from his social background to integrate into mainstream society. However, he laments the increasing privatization, which is closing off many such pathways.

Laxman Yadav revealed that the book is dedicated to Rohith Vemula. He emphasized that caste pervades every aspect of campus life, from the corridors of buildings to the curriculum taught by professors. Despite this, there is a conspicuous absence of principals from marginalized backgrounds in the majority of colleges under the university's purview.

When asked about whether caste is mentioned in his book, the professor recounts a story from 'Professor ki Diary'. He begins, "There is a young man going for an interview."

"What is your name?" the interviewer inquires.

"Rakesh," the man replies.

"What is your full name?"

"Rakesh Kumar."

Unsatisfied, the interviewer probes further, "Alright, what is your father’s name?"

"Mahesh Kumar," the man responds.

"Tell me the full name of Mahesh Kumar."

"Mahesh Kumar Pathare."

Curious, the interviewer persists, "Where does Pathare come from?"

The man discerns the implication and responds, "Ah, so you want to know my caste, sir."

Additionally, Laxman Yadav recalls another anecdote from his book, where a supervisor compels his research fellow to pack his bags. However, in his haste, the scholar forgets to include a comb, resulting in the supervisor's displeasure and subsequent impediments in the fellow's fellowship.

The professor emphasized that while the incidents depicted in his book are based on real cases, the names and locations have been altered. He stressed that the crux of the issue lies not in the specific occurrences, but in the persistence of such incidents.

"This book serves as documentation of a silent movement unfolding in the country against the backdrop of the current political climate," he asserted. "The struggle for education is an ongoing one, destined to endure through the ages."

Looking ahead, Yadav revealed his plans to pen numerous more books in the future. He pledged to remain actively engaged in raising awareness among the masses, indicating his readiness to take to the ground whenever necessary. He expressed his unwavering commitment to inspiring individuals to advocate for education and the betterment of the nation.

Professor Laxman Yadav’s Struggle at DU:

Professor Laxman Yadav was an ad-hoc professor at the Hindi Department at Zakir Hussain College in Delhi University. On 6th December 2023, his employment was terminated without any notice.

The outspoken professor who belongs to the Bahujan community has always stood up for social justice. He alleged that his stance and his opposition to saffronization of university campuses was the cause of the expulsion.

Dr. Laxman Yadav's Termination Letter
Dr. Laxman Yadav's Termination Letter

When queried about the major crises confronting the university, Dr. Yadav highlighted several pressing concerns.

"Education is becoming increasingly costly," he remarked. "If this trend continues, it will render education inaccessible to economically disadvantaged communities, further exacerbating the gap between social classes."

"Moreover," he continued, "education should not be indoctrinated with a singular ideology. Presently, there is a pervasive imposition of a particular mainstream ideology in our syllabi. The saffronization of our educational institutions poses a significant challenge."

"Furthermore, discussions on social justice are gradually diminishing from campuses," Laxman Yadav lamented. "This represents a direct assault on the students, stifling their ability to engage critically with societal issues."

About Dr Laxman Yadav:

Beginning on September 1, 2010, Dr. Laxman Yadav commenced his role as an Assistant Professor in the Hindi Department at Zakir Hussain College, affiliated with Delhi University.

His inaugural classroom experience was on September 6, 2010, which fulfilled his lifelong dream.

In an earlier conversation, the professor had reflected on his journey, which has been a lengthy path. From tending to cows and buffaloes in a small Azamgarh village, he had never envisioned reaching this point.

On multiple occasions, the professor has stated his family's unwavering support and sacrifices being instrumental for his education. They understood the significance of education and sent him to study at Allahabad University, despite their modest means.

At Allahabad University, where the fees were Rs 300, he worked diligently and emerged as a top performer.

He later transitioned to Delhi where he focused on his role as an educator.

Cover Page of the Book
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