Ambedkarites to Partner with UN, Pvt Sectors to Lead AI Movement Globally

100 countries jointly celebrate Dr. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary in New York, PM Modi's message telecasted.
Ambedkarites to Partner with UN, Pvt Sectors to Lead AI Movement Globally

New York— On the occasion of the 132nd Birth Anniversary of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, Indian Mission to India, along with Foundation For Human Horizon, brought together AI experts from all over the world to discuss AI For social justice, focused on developing global governance platform to include most vulnerable communities.

The agencies present in the deliberations were  World Bank, The World Health Organization, The United Nations, International Telecommunication Union, AI For Good, Singapore Mission to UN. This is the first-ever initiative that will make Ambedkar’s followers lead the AI movement around the world. Indian Mission Ambassador Ruchaira Kamboj explained Dr. Ambedkar’s relevance to United Nations, and how social justice is one of the key responsibilities of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government. 

PM Modi's message inspire Ambedkarites

A special message from Prime Minister Modi for the event was scheduled, where Prime Minister Modi asked Ambedkarites to be the leader of the AI movement. He further asked Deelip Mhaske to create a global platform to include Ambedkarites and take a leadership role in AI entrepreneurship which will be supported by India around the world through Indian Embassies. Jason Ackerman, the executive from the World Bank, extended their hands to play an active role in building Ambedkarite’s first-ever global platform that will assist the most vulnerable communities to not just be included in the AI movement but take an active leadership role. Dr. Steve McFeely, an executive from the World Health Organization, focused on how Dr. Ambedkar’s work can help to build a “ Global Governance Platform.” He supported the view that the AI movement will not change humanity if the leadership is not coming from marginalized communities. He further committed the World Health Organization’s commitment to the most vulnerable communities like Ambedkarites.

Ursula Wynoven, International Telecommunication Union, the largest agency to lead AI innovation, which opened the Innovation Center in Delhi, extended the importance of partnership with Ambedkarites as they are the largest single vulnerable group around the world. James Hodson, CEO, of AI For Good, is one of the most enthusiastic panelists and who provides advisory to many governments, and companies around the world who attended the community event celebrating Dr. Ambedkar's birth anniversary. He not just extended a partnership but made a commitment to be a mentor for forming a platform that can assist Ambedkarite in taking the lead in the AI movement that will change the social hierarchy and eliminate the caste system once and for all. 

Phoebe Martin, a student from Georgetown University and this year’s most promising young person, of a Foundation For Human Horizon, while introducing the panelist, mentioned, Deelip’s story is inspiring not just for the untouchable / Dalit community but across the world. His commitment to inspiring the young generation will have a long-lasting impact on eliminating the Caste System through taking a leadership role in the AI movement. Prof. Jenik Radon an Adjunct Professor at the School of Public and International Affairs, Columbia University, pointed out the discrepancy in Indian Government Documentary on Dr. Ambedkar, where they did not mention Ambedkar's doctorate degree from Columbia. The original documentary which was developed by Ambedkar International Mission was replaced by the Indian Mission officer at the last minute, causing fierce in the participants, as the Indian Mission officer also reduced Ambedkarites participants from 1200 to only 500 at the last minute, causing chaos. Indian Mission has been on and off to include Ambedkarites in the event Foundation For Human Horizon had special permission to celebrate Dr. Ambedkar’s birth Anniversary continuously at the UN. 

Ambedkarites demand for free hold to lead events

Milind Awsarmole, one of the founding members of Ambedkar International Mission, a supporting organization, pointed out Dr. Ambedkar’s work and UN preamble similarities. He mentioned UN charter and preamble mirror the writings of Dr. Ambedkar; in fact, most of the work the UN focused on has relevance to Dr. Ambedkar’s life and achievement. Dilip Mondal, a renowned Dalit journalist, focused on having Ambedkar followers in the center stage of such an event, as this is the only stage Ambedkarites ever get and shouldn’t be denied taking leadership role. As the UN put Christian leadership takes leading roles while celebrating Christmas, Muslims during Eid, Sikh during Vaishaki, Buddhist during Vesak day, Dr. Ambedkar’s celebration shouldn’t be hosted with so many restrictions and scrutinizing Ambedkarites at UN. 

Deelip Mhaske, the only global Artificial Intelligence scholar coming from the vulnerable communities and follower of Dr. Ambedkar, who is also president of the Foundation For Human Horizon. He worked tirelessly to have Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s birth anniversary celebration started at the United Nations, praised Prime Minister Modi and PMO office for giving special approval, and directed Indian Mission to make t Dr. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary at the UN permanent.

He further stated that often world does not see what Ambedkarites’s were able to achieve just in 75 years of freedom, from being President of India to leading billions of dollars in companies and holding the largest politically elected offices in the world. He is taking a leading role in building an AI platform owned by Ambedkarite, and building a new partnership with UN agencies, including ITU, World Bank, World Health Organization, Government agencies, and leading private sector like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

He is cautious, stating that civil servants do not always carry the same enthusiasm as the Amb. Ruchira Kamboj, who, without question, has been one of the best friends of Ambedkarites here in the USA for the last 75 years, said they would work on building trust towards Ambedkarites among the IFS, IAS, and Indian civil servants across the world through dialogue and ongoing partnerships through events like this. There is much  excitement about the global partnership of  than 100 countries joining to celebrate Dr. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary and, importantly, the rise of Dr. Ambedkar’s influence in many countries’ legislations. Kamboj further stated that by 2030 caste would not have any relevance in the international diaspora and would not determine individuals’ ability to seek opportunities and make a long-lasting impact in making the world a better place as true Ambedkarites.

Ambedkarites to Partner with UN, Pvt Sectors to Lead AI Movement Globally
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